Before creating a new product, please check carefully if it is already in the database. If you use the barcode scanner and no result appears, please also use the text search. If you don't find the product, feel free to create a new database entry. If you find the product, but with outdated, incomplete or wrong nutritional values, you are welcome to correct the product.
To ensure that the quality of the new entry is good and that other users can find it using text search, we have put together some tips for you:
Product name:
- Complete and as stated on the package
- without typos, case sensitive
- without producer or brand names
- without abbreviations
- without calorie information
- without other personal markings
- for products in foreign languages please indicate the original product name
- e.g. for flavor or further details (e.g. for yogurt, protein powder)
- e.g. for (un)prepared state (e.g. for noodles, protein powder):
--> Unprepared: Note "dry product"
--> Prepared: Note "prepared with water/cream/milk 3.5%" or similar.
- without other personal labels ("delicious") or product groups ("cheese")
- without brackets
- without abbreviations
- e.g. for translation of foreign language product name
- optimally indicate the brand name on the packaging (e.g. "Gut & Günstig" or "Milbona")
- alternatively indicate the company name with legal form ("ABC GmbH")
- If available, include barcode (by means of scanner or manual input).
- Transfer all indicated nutritional values for 100g of the product
- For vitamins and minerals, note the unit of measurement (grams, milligrams or micrograms)