Our body can't produce Magnesium by itself and must therefore be taken in through food. Since it is involved in many enzymatic metabolic processes, magnesium influences numerous processes in the body such as energy production, muscle work and cell regeneration. Magnesium is also involved in bone formation and the stabilization of cell membranes.
Daily requirement, deficiency symptoms and overdose
The daily requirement is 300-400 mg depending on age and gender and is usually covered by a balanced diet. With increased physical activity (e.g. in athletes), when taking certain medications (e.g. laxatives, dehydrating agents) and with excessive alcohol consumption, the need for magnesium can increase.
If the body is insufficiently supplied with magnesium, muscle cramps, palpitations, tiredness and poor concentration can occur.
Magnesium overdose is very unlikely as the body regulates magnesium levels by excreting excess magnesium.