Yes, it is possible. On the one hand you can use the app in English and on the other hand you can decide whether you want to use the German or the English food database. You can use both in English or just the database or just the app.
On the Fddb website you automatically use the English database with the language setting "English".
--> Please note: Both databases may contain different products. The English database still contains far fewer products than the German database.
Settings for Android users:
- Go to "Account" in the bottom menu on the far right and to the settings wheel on the top right.
- Then scroll to the menu item "Interface". Here you can choose between German and English for both the app language and the database language.
Settings for iOS users:
- App language: You can only use the Fddb app in English if you have selected "English" in the phone settings of your device. Then you will automatically use the app in English.
- Database language: In the app, go to "More" in the bottom right menu, then to "Settings", then to "Database": German/English.
Website User Settings:
- On the Fddb website, go to "Language" at the very top right.
- Then select "English".